Travel awards (closed)

Thanks to generous sponsorships from various companies and institutions, the NeuroErgonomics Conference 2024 (NEC’24) is offering travel grants for selected students and trainees (post-docs) who require financial support to attend the conference. The conference organizers are indeed committed to access, inclusivity, and diversity, and we aim to do everything we can to reduce the cost and maximize resources for the attendees.

The travel award recipients will be selected based on 1) contribution to the meeting as evidence by the submission and acceptation of an extended abstract; 2) general record of service to the field; and 3) financial need.

Upon a careful review, we will select a number of recipients, and each will have his/her conference registration fees fully waived (i.e., free registration).

Awardee Requirements: Awardees are required to attend the entire three days of the conference from opening to closing remarks (and are encouraged but not required to attend pre-conference workshops) as well as attend all social events. Awardees are required to present their accepted abstract. Awardees may be required to confirm their participation in these activities, for example by responding to an email or checking in.

Eligibility: 1) A full time student enrolled in a MS or PhD program or other degree granting program at the time of the application, or a postdoctoral trainee who is not an independent researcher, who is involved in research. 2) Submitted an extended abstract and this extended asbtract was accepted, and will be presenting this extended abstract at the conference (as a poster or as a talk). 3) Fully complete the present application.

The travel awards are not intended as a supplement for individuals with sufficient resources to attend the event (e.g., with support from their laboratory). There are a limited number of awards and they are designated for individuals who would otherwise not be able to attend the meeting or experience personal financial hardship in attending. However, if you are receiving partial support for attending from your laboratory you may use this grant to supplement needed costs.

As a recipient, you will be recognized in the conference program. In addition to financial help, this opportunity is intended to promote your career through networking at the conference. In order to ensure your participation, you are required to have submitted an extended abstract for the conference, and this extended abstract should have been accepted.

The applications need to be submitted at the latest on May 23rd (23:59pm CET). Note that since the application deadline is after the early bird registration deadline, please note that any eligile application that is not selected for the travel award will still be able to register with the early bird registration fees. This way, applying to the award does not force you to pay the registration fees in advance and does not prevent you from benefiting from the cheapest registration fees, independently of whether you get the award or not.

Thus, if you are applying for the travel award, please do not register for the conference yet: if you get the award, you will be able to register for free; if not, you will still be able to register with the early bird fee later on.

The application form is available there: Neuroergonomics 2024 Travel Award application form.


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