Proceedings of the NeuroErgonomics Conference 2024 (NEC’24), edited by Frontiers in Neuroergonomics

Monday, July 8, 2024
Pre-conference workshop/tutorials (see details here)
- Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces with Open-Source Tools: from theory to real-life scenarios (part 1) – 15:00pm-17:00pm – room 33
- Decoding Cognitive Workload: A Passive BCI Hackathon (part 1) – 14:00pm-18:00pm – room 35
- Workflows for sharing multimodal recordings in BIDS format – 14:00pm-18:00pm – room 32
- The EU AI Act and the future of emotion recognition in Neuroergonomics – 14:00pm-18:00pm – room 36
- Get Started with OpenViBE – 14:00pm-17:00pm – room 31
- Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Workshop – 14:00pm-17:00pm – room 34
- Neurophysiological assessment to enhance neuroergonomics in operational environments – 15:00pm-17:30pm – room 37
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Pre-conference workshop/tutorials (see details here)
- Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces with Open-Source Tools: from theory to real-life scenarios (part 2) – 9:00am-11:00am – room 36
- Decoding Cognitive Workload: A Passive BCI Hackathon (part 2) – 8:00am-12:00noon – room 35
- OpenViBE for wannabe experts – 9:00am-12:00noon – room 32
- Multimodal hyperscanning in the context of team performance – 8:00am-12:00noon – room 33
- Neuroergonomics in Aviation: Assessing Human Performance from Lab to Operational Environment – 8:00am-12:00noon – room 31
- Exploring Neuroadaptive Technologies through Passive BCI – 8:00am-12:00noon – room 37
Lunch – cours d’honneur
Opening presentations – Camille Jeunet-Kelway, Fabien Lotte, Hasan Ayaz & Frédéric Dehais – Auditorium Deniges
Keynote presentation: Klaus-Robert Müller, “Machine Learning and AI for the Sciences: Toward Understanding” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Hasan Ayaz
Poster session 1 – cours d’honneur
1- Actions-Per-Minute as a Measure of Skill: Investigating its Relationship with Executive Functions in Complex Task Performance | Quentin Chenot |
2- Error-related Potentials: Bridging Brains and Bots | Katharina Lingelbach |
3- In Silico Study of Hippocampal Neurostimulation | Maeva N Andriantsoamberomanga |
4- Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for EEG | Michael Bui |
5- Review of Neurophysiological Methods to Evaluate Mental Workload in Field Studies | Moussa Diarra |
6- Neural activations related to energies acceptation: a fNIRS pilot study | Adolphe J Béquet |
7- Music with Light Improves Relaxation: An EEG Study | Chang-Hwan Im |
8- A comparison of two novel fNIRS motion correction approaches to popular algorithmic methods. | Hayder Al-Omairi |
9- A neuroergonomics-based research on relationship between productivity and emotion | Derya Ide |
10- Sleep loss decreases tolerance to prolonged moderate acceleration (+3Gz) | Anaïs Pontiggia |
11- Benchmarking the Muse PPG sensor with a research grade ECG system in and out of the lab | Mathias Rihet |
12- Physiological comparison of on/off-road anger | Jordan Maillant |
13- Imperceptible Grating SSMVEP BCI for Spatial Navigation | Bartu Atabek |
14- Prediction of Emotional States with an fNIRS based BCI | Aysenur Eser |
15- Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Vaso-mechanical Tasks | Emre Yorgancıgil |
16- Causal interactions between electro-cortical oscillations and hemodynamics during an auditory task | Yalda Shahriari |
17- The physiological expressions of the driver’s sadness | Florence Mazeres/Alexandra Fort |
18- How emotions influence cognitive control processes : A Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and EEG study | Tristan Feutren |
19- Rough alarms mitigate inattentional deafness phenomenon during piloting-like task: preliminary results | Florine Riedinger |
20- Improving Vehicle Surface Inspection with Wearable Technology for Paint Defect Detection | Carlos Albarrán Morillo |
21- The Ability of Psychophysiological Monitoring to Recognize Enhanced Cognitive States During Seated, Computer-Based Tasks | Justin M Laiti |
22- Enhancing Attentional Control Through Designed Sound | Carryl L Baldwin |
23- fNIRS over the garden wall: Cognitive mechanisms underlying naturalistic path-planning and execution in the real world | Adrian B Curtin |
from 17:30pm to 22:00pm
Welcome reception – cours d’honneur
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Invited plenary talk: Selina Wriessnegger, “Towards engaging neuroadaptive environments: Examples and Challenges” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Frédéric Dehais
Plenary workshop by Diamond sponsor Bionic – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Fabien Lotte
coffee break – atrium + cours d’honneur
Parallel oral session 1a: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Human-Computer Interaction – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Mathias Vukelic
SHET: A Visual Analytics Tool to Explore Brain Activity with fNIRS in Augmented Reality Tasks | Sonia Castelo |
VR in Pain Management: an fNIRS Study | Gülnaz Yükselen |
Neural Interface Technology for Haptic Realism in Virtual Reality | Lukas Gehrke |
EEG Biomarkers of VR Embodiment in BCI training | Athanasios Vourvopoulos |
Explainable AI in Collaborative Decision-Making | Marion Korosec-Serfaty |
When Interacting With AI, Make Me Think | Alexander John Karran |
Bioinspired adaptive spatial map for prosthesis control | Bianca Lento |
In an optimal balance: Using an implicit EEG-based method to uncover individual flow experiences | Anna Vorreuther |
Parallel oral session 1b: Cognitive & Motor Enhancement – Auditorium – E –
Chair: Léa Pillette
Improving surgical performance with mental rehearsal: a fNIRS study | Hemel N Modi |
Training Self-Control: Effects of Parietal Feedback on Performance in Temporally Irregular Vigilance Tasks | Salim A Mouloua |
Investigating the overlap of ERD/ERS modulations for a Median Nerve Stimulation-based BCI | Sébastien Rimbert |
Neurofeedback for improving motor performance: Downregulation of EEG beta-band activity can increase motor control flexibility | Emeline Pierrieau |
Neuroergonomic Investigation of Athletic Performance | Daniel E Callan |
Auricular vs Cervical Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Attention | Lindsey McIntire |
Integration of Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Neuroaugmentation of Surgical Skills: A Feasibility Study | Aleksander Dawidziuk |
Lunch – cours Leyteire
Keynote presentation: Marisk Vansteensel, “Opportunities and Challenges of Implanted ECoG-based BCIs for Communication” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Camille Jeunet-Kelway
Poster session 2 – cours d’honneur
1- Visualization and Workload with Implicit fNIRS-based BCI | Matthew Russell |
2- Quantum Denoising for BCI: A Study | Marius Klug |
3- Novel Prosthesis Control Enables Arm Amputees to Reach Naturally | Aymar de Rugy |
4- EEG Connectivity Patterns in Left and Right-handed Users during Motor Imagery BCI Control | Liisa A Kivioja |
5- A walk in the forest – the effect of locomotion on visual information processing in a naturalistic environment | Julian Elias Reiser |
6- Classification of Attention Patterns Using EEG | Chang-Hwan Im |
7- Effects of Vestibular Stimulation on VR-Based Bodily Self Consciousness | Handan Yaman |
8- Assessment of Mental Workload During Emergency Planning: An fNIRS study | Kellyann Stamp |
9- Electrode Reduction for EEG-based Imagined Speech BCI Applications | Maurice Rekrut |
10- EEG-based Markers for Passive Driver Fatigue | Yohan YA Attal |
11- Decoding mental states in simulated chatbots: a passive brain-computer interfaces and eye-tracking method | Diana E Gherman |
12- Investigating the Cognitive Effects of Subliminal Visual Flicker Training at Alpha Frequency: A Novel Approach to Neuromodulation – study protocol | Clément Blanc |
13- Classifying mental states using Brain-Computer Interfaces: A systematic review | Jaime A Riascos |
14- A Right-Left Pressure Asymmetry in Surgeons: Relationships with Psychophysiological measures | Hasan Onur Keles |
15- OUCH! Real-Time Classifier of Mental Workload Facets | Molly A Kluck |
16- Observational Error-Related Negativity for Trust Evaluation in Human-Swarm Interaction | Ehsan Esfahani |
17- Monitoring the Brain Activity of Youth with Down Syndrome | Hasan Ayaz |
18- A Neuroergonomic Workstation for Human-Centered Cobot-Supported Manual Assembly Process | Nikola Knežević |
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Keynote presentation: Mitsuo Kawato, “Advancing Personalized Psychiatry: Leveraging Biomarkers and Neurofeedback” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Fabien Lotte
Poster session 3 – cours d’honneur
1- Multimodal Correlates of Motor Learning in Laparoscopic Surgery Training | Esra Zeynep Dudukcu |
2- Comparative Neuroergonomic Analysis of Mental Workload in Industrial Human-Robot Interaction Assembly Task | Carlo Caiazzo |
3- Preliminary evaluation of stimulus presentation speed in an ERP-based BCI under RSVP | Ricardo Ron-Angevin |
4- Pupillary Activity Dynamics in a Multitask Environment | Maykel MPG van Miltenburg |
5- Out-of-Lab BMIs: An Autoencoder for EEG Classification | Emilien Bonhomme |
6- tDCS of Cognitive Flexibility and Working Memory | James Wright |
7- Exploring Situational Awareness through Mobile Brain/Body Imaging in Virtual Reality Settings | Yanzhao Pan |
8- Digital Tools for the Assessment of a Neurological Disease | Quentin Lesport |
9- Bionic AR: Stand-alone Augmented Reality System Controlled by Multimodal Biosignals | Chang-Hwan Im |
10- Subject Independent Brain-Computer Interface Spelling System | Onur Erdem Korkmaz |
11- Monitoring Team Performance | Emanuela Zhecheva |
12- Risk for Exercise Addiction and Inhibitory Control | Darla M Castelli |
13- Listening Effort Measurement by Pupillometry under Dual-Task Paradigms: The Effect of Auditory Spectral Resolution | Cengiz Acartürk |
14- Exploring the validity of physiological measures for cognitive load assessment in Virtual Reality | Laurent Lacroix |
15- fMRI validation of GPT-4’s ability to recognise Theory of Mind in natural conversations | Thierry FN Chaminade |
16- EEG correction with ICA: beneficial for CNN performance? | Christian Wallraven |
17- Exploring Airplane Pilots’ acceptability of brain stimulation: a Neuroethics qualitative study | Florine Riedinger |
18- Toward Enhancing Workspace Awareness Using a Brain-Computer Interface based on Neural Synchrony | Arnaud Prouzeau |
19- EEG-based Art Interest Decoding | Marc Welter |
20- Exploring the Potential of Sensor Networks in Space Operations Accident Investigation | Diego Ribeiro Marques |
21- Integrating Mobile EEG into Neuroergonomic Design: Mental Workload Estimation on Assembly Line Using Convolutional Neural Network | Miloš Pušica |
22- Human-Environment Interaction: Multimodal Neuroergonomic Approach in Immersive Real-world Settings | Kevin L Ramirez Chavez |
23- Will you score? Motion capture of basketball shooting combined with mobile electroencephalography – on your smartphone | Miguel Contreras-Altamirano |
Parallel sponsor workshop 1: ANT Neuro – Auditorium Deniges
Parallel sponsor workshop 2: Biopac – Auditorium – E –
Lunch – cours Leyteire
Parallel sponsor workshop 3: mBrainTrain – Auditorium Deniges
Parallel sponsor workshop 4: Mentalab – Auditorium – E –
Parallel oral session 2a: Workload – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Gianluca Borghini
Is Subjective Focus a Valid Proxy of Attentional Demands? | Bojana Bjegojevic |
Workload in Visual Search, a work in progress | Nikki Leeuwis |
Meta-Analyzing the Mental Resource: A Neuroergonomic Approach | Salim A Mouloua |
Cognitive control and mental workload in multitasking | Philippe L.P. Rauffet |
Passive BCI for interruption management in real settings | Gianluca Borghini |
Parallel oral session 2b: Mobile and innovative approaches – Auditorium – E –
Chair: Cengiz Acarturk
Step by Step: Navigating Mobile EEG Preprocessing Pathways | Nadine S J Jacobsen |
The Importance of Environmental Information to Bridge the Gap between Laboratory and Beyond the Lab Measures of EEG based Auditory Perception | Thorge Haupt |
Mobile EEG vigilance monitoring during automated driving | Axel H Winneke |
The Neuroergonomic Vision of Project NAFAS | Thorsten O. Zander |
A modular TD-fNIRS system for many applications | Ryan M Field |
Coffee break – Atrium + cours d’honneur
Parallel oral session 3a: Emotion & Perception – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Sébastien Scannella
EEG-signatures of somatosensory stimuli in autistic adults | Nektaria Tagalidou |
A new paradigm to study inattentional deafness in auditory-only online experiments | Clara Suied |
Empathetic Resources: Investigating the Influence of Trait Empathy on Emotio-Cognitive Vigilance | Salim A Mouloua |
A New Paradigm to Elicit Strong Positive Emotions | Meredith L. Sprengel |
Brain Activity and Facial Expression based Emotion Assessment in Toddlers with Autism | Zuhal Ormanoglu |
Parallel oral session 3b: Hyperscanning – Auditorium – E –
Chair: Stephen Fairclough
Really Working “Together”: Effects of Physical Presence on Synchrony in Expert and Novices during Cooperative E-Gaming | Adrian B Curtin |
Monitoring engagement in an inaugural lecture | Anne-Marie Brouwer |
Comparing EEG on interaction roles during a motor task | Kyungho Won |
Neural and Ocular Correlates of Conceptual Grounding in Verbal Interaction: A Multimodal Hyperscanning Approach | Efecan Yilmaz |
Student-Instructor Workload in Simulated and Real Flight | Evy van Weelden |
From 19:30pm
Gala diner – bassins des lumières
Friday, July 12, 2024
Invited plenary talk: Laura Marchal-Crespo, “Towards a meaningful robot-assisted neurorehabilitation experience” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Nathalie George
Invited plenary talk: Fabien Wagner, “Neuroprosthetic modulation of distributed spinal cord and brain networks for restoring motor and cognitive functions in neurological disorders” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Nathalie George
Coffee break – Atrium + cours d’honneur
Parallel oral sessions 4a: Driving, Flying & Navigating – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Carryl Baldwin
Automated Driving Systems and Sustained Engagement | Zoubeir Tkiouat |
EEG-based Markers for Punctual Stress Induced During Manual Driving | Yohan YA Attal |
Identifying remediation for Passive Driver Fatigue | Stephanie Dabic |
Tailoring Takeover Requests in Autonomous Driving to Mental Workload | Tobias Jungbluth |
Driver monitoring during mind wandering | Florence Mazeres |
Investigating the Effects of Fatigue, Distraction and Increased Mental Workload on Performance of Ship Engine Room Operators: An fNIRS study | Steve WR Symes |
Open-Access Multi-modal fNIRS Dataset of Expert Pilots and System Engineers Recorded During High Fidelity Simulated Helicopter System Checks, Navigation and Emergency Responses | Michael J Middleton |
Using fMRI and eye-tracking to investigate the neural correlates of situation awareness during a left-turn crossing while driving | Moritz Held |
Emotional Detours: Oscillatory Signatures of Emotion and Cognitive Load during Simulated Driving | Katharina Lingelbach |
Parallel oral session 4b: Brain-Computer Interfaces – Auditorium – E –
Chair: Daniel Callan
Visual cues can bias EEG Deep Learning models | David Trocellier |
Agency-preserving Action Augmentation: Towards Preemptive Muscle Control using Brain-Computer Interfaces | Lukas Gehrke |
Designing the invisible reactive BCI: the StAR-Burst paradigm | Frédéric dehais |
One-Class Riemannian EEG Classifier to Detect Anesthesia | Valérie Marissens Cueva |
An online POMDP-BCI using Burst c-VEP | Juan J Torre |
Passive code-VEP based Brain Computer Interface to tag attention | Pietro Cimarosto |
Neurofeedback to improve wakefulness maintenance ability | Marie Pelou |
Data-driven detection of memory encoding from EEG in an audiovisual task | Ana Matran-Fernandez |
Rapid Auditory Probes for EEG Workload Monitoring | Felix Schroeder |
Closing – Camille Jeunet-Kelway, Fabien Lotte, Hasan Ayaz & Frédéric Dehais – Auditorium Deniges
Lunch boxes
Excursion to Saint-Emilion (optional)