Detailed program

Proceedings of the NeuroErgonomics Conference 2024 (NEC’24), edited by Frontiers in Neuroergonomics


Monday, July 8, 2024

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Firday, July 12, 2024

Monday, July 8, 2024


Pre-conference workshop/tutorials (see details here)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Pre-conference workshop/tutorials (see details here)


Lunch – cours d’honneur


Opening presentations – Camille Jeunet-Kelway, Fabien Lotte, Hasan Ayaz & Frédéric Dehais – Auditorium Deniges


Keynote presentation: Klaus-Robert Müller, “Machine Learning and AI for the Sciences: Toward Understanding” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Hasan Ayaz


Poster session 1 – cours d’honneur

1- Actions-Per-Minute as a Measure of Skill: Investigating its Relationship with Executive Functions in Complex Task PerformanceQuentin Chenot
2- Error-related Potentials: Bridging Brains and BotsKatharina Lingelbach
3- In Silico Study of Hippocampal NeurostimulationMaeva N Andriantsoamberomanga
4- Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for EEGMichael Bui
5- Review of Neurophysiological Methods to Evaluate Mental Workload in Field StudiesMoussa Diarra
6- Neural activations related to energies acceptation: a fNIRS pilot studyAdolphe J Béquet
7- Music with Light Improves Relaxation: An EEG StudyChang-Hwan Im
8- A comparison of two novel fNIRS motion correction approaches to popular algorithmic methods.Hayder Al-Omairi
9- A neuroergonomics-based research on relationship between productivity and emotionDerya Ide
10- Sleep loss decreases tolerance to prolonged moderate acceleration (+3Gz)Anaïs Pontiggia
11- Benchmarking the Muse PPG sensor with a research grade ECG system in and out of the labMathias Rihet
12- Physiological comparison of on/off-road angerJordan Maillant
13- Imperceptible Grating SSMVEP BCI for Spatial NavigationBartu Atabek
14- Prediction of Emotional States with an fNIRS based BCIAysenur Eser
15- Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Vaso-mechanical TasksEmre Yorgancıgil
16- Causal interactions between electro-cortical oscillations and hemodynamics during an auditory taskYalda Shahriari
17- The physiological expressions of the driver’s sadnessFlorence Mazeres/Alexandra Fort
18- How emotions influence cognitive control processes : A Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and EEG studyTristan Feutren
19- Rough alarms mitigate inattentional deafness phenomenon during piloting-like task: preliminary resultsFlorine Riedinger
20- Improving Vehicle Surface Inspection with Wearable Technology for Paint Defect DetectionCarlos Albarrán Morillo
21- The Ability of Psychophysiological Monitoring to Recognize Enhanced Cognitive States During Seated, Computer-Based TasksJustin M Laiti
22- Enhancing Attentional Control Through Designed SoundCarryl L Baldwin
23- fNIRS over the garden wall: Cognitive mechanisms underlying naturalistic path-planning and execution in the real worldAdrian B Curtin

from 17:30pm to 22:00pm

Welcome reception – cours d’honneur

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Invited plenary talk: Selina Wriessnegger, “Towards engaging neuroadaptive environments: Examples and Challenges” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Frédéric Dehais


Plenary workshop by Diamond sponsor Bionic – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Fabien Lotte


coffee break – atrium + cours d’honneur


Parallel oral session 1a: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Human-Computer Interaction – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Mathias Vukelic

SHET: A Visual Analytics Tool to Explore Brain Activity with fNIRS in Augmented Reality TasksSonia Castelo
VR in Pain Management: an fNIRS StudyGülnaz Yükselen
Neural Interface Technology for Haptic Realism in Virtual RealityLukas Gehrke
EEG Biomarkers of VR Embodiment in BCI trainingAthanasios Vourvopoulos
Explainable AI in Collaborative Decision-MakingMarion Korosec-Serfaty
When Interacting With AI, Make Me ThinkAlexander John Karran
Bioinspired adaptive spatial map for prosthesis controlBianca Lento
In an optimal balance: Using an implicit EEG-based method to uncover individual flow experiencesAnna Vorreuther

Parallel oral session 1b: Cognitive & Motor Enhancement – Auditorium – E –
Chair: Léa Pillette

Improving surgical performance with mental rehearsal: a fNIRS studyHemel N Modi
Training Self-Control: Effects of Parietal Feedback on Performance in Temporally Irregular Vigilance TasksSalim A Mouloua
Investigating the overlap of ERD/ERS modulations for a Median Nerve Stimulation-based BCISébastien Rimbert
Neurofeedback for improving motor performance: Downregulation of EEG beta-band activity can increase motor control flexibilityEmeline Pierrieau
Neuroergonomic Investigation of Athletic PerformanceDaniel E Callan
Auricular vs Cervical Vagus Nerve Stimulation for AttentionLindsey McIntire
Integration of Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Neuroaugmentation of Surgical Skills: A Feasibility StudyAleksander Dawidziuk


Lunch – cours Leyteire


Keynote presentation: Marisk Vansteensel, “Opportunities and Challenges of Implanted ECoG-based BCIs for Communication” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Camille Jeunet-Kelway


Poster session 2 – cours d’honneur

1- Visualization and Workload with Implicit fNIRS-based BCIMatthew Russell
2- Quantum Denoising for BCI: A StudyMarius Klug
3- Novel Prosthesis Control Enables Arm Amputees to Reach NaturallyAymar de Rugy
4- EEG Connectivity Patterns in Left and Right-handed Users during Motor Imagery BCI ControlLiisa A Kivioja
5- A walk in the forest – the effect of locomotion on visual information processing in a naturalistic environmentJulian Elias Reiser
6- Classification of Attention Patterns Using EEGChang-Hwan Im
7- Effects of Vestibular Stimulation on VR-Based Bodily Self ConsciousnessHandan Yaman
8- Assessment of Mental Workload During Emergency Planning: An fNIRS studyKellyann Stamp
9- Electrode Reduction for EEG-based Imagined Speech BCI ApplicationsMaurice Rekrut
10- EEG-based Markers for Passive Driver FatigueYohan YA Attal
11- Decoding mental states in simulated chatbots: a passive brain-computer interfaces and eye-tracking methodDiana E Gherman
12- Investigating the Cognitive Effects of Subliminal Visual Flicker Training at Alpha Frequency: A Novel Approach to Neuromodulation – study protocolClément Blanc
13- Classifying mental states using Brain-Computer Interfaces: A systematic reviewJaime A Riascos
14- A Right-Left Pressure Asymmetry in Surgeons: Relationships with Psychophysiological measuresHasan Onur Keles
15- OUCH! Real-Time Classifier of Mental Workload FacetsMolly A Kluck
16- Observational Error-Related Negativity for Trust Evaluation in Human-Swarm InteractionEhsan Esfahani
17- Monitoring the Brain Activity of Youth with Down SyndromeHasan Ayaz
18- A Neuroergonomic Workstation for Human-Centered Cobot-Supported Manual Assembly ProcessNikola Knežević

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Keynote presentation: Mitsuo Kawato, “Advancing Personalized Psychiatry: Leveraging Biomarkers and Neurofeedback” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Fabien Lotte


Poster session 3 – cours d’honneur

1- Multimodal Correlates of Motor Learning in Laparoscopic Surgery TrainingEsra Zeynep Dudukcu
2- Comparative Neuroergonomic Analysis of Mental Workload in Industrial Human-Robot Interaction Assembly TaskCarlo Caiazzo
3- Preliminary evaluation of stimulus presentation speed in an ERP-based BCI under RSVPRicardo Ron-Angevin
4- Pupillary Activity Dynamics in a Multitask EnvironmentMaykel MPG van Miltenburg
5- Out-of-Lab BMIs: An Autoencoder for EEG ClassificationEmilien Bonhomme
6- tDCS of Cognitive Flexibility and Working MemoryJames Wright
7- Exploring Situational Awareness through Mobile Brain/Body Imaging in Virtual Reality SettingsYanzhao Pan
8- Digital Tools for the Assessment of a Neurological DiseaseQuentin Lesport
9- Bionic AR: Stand-alone Augmented Reality System Controlled by Multimodal BiosignalsChang-Hwan Im
10- Subject Independent Brain-Computer Interface Spelling SystemOnur Erdem Korkmaz
11- Monitoring Team PerformanceEmanuela Zhecheva
12- Risk for Exercise Addiction and Inhibitory ControlDarla M Castelli
13- Listening Effort Measurement by Pupillometry under Dual-Task Paradigms: The Effect of Auditory Spectral ResolutionCengiz Acartürk
14- Exploring the validity of physiological measures for cognitive load assessment in Virtual RealityLaurent Lacroix
15- fMRI validation of GPT-4’s ability to recognise Theory of Mind in natural conversationsThierry FN Chaminade
16- EEG correction with ICA: beneficial for CNN performance?Christian Wallraven
17- Exploring Airplane Pilots’ acceptability of brain stimulation: a Neuroethics qualitative studyFlorine Riedinger
18- Toward Enhancing Workspace Awareness Using a Brain-Computer Interface based on Neural SynchronyArnaud Prouzeau
19- EEG-based Art Interest DecodingMarc Welter
20- Exploring the Potential of Sensor Networks in Space Operations Accident InvestigationDiego Ribeiro Marques
21- Integrating Mobile EEG into Neuroergonomic Design: Mental Workload Estimation on Assembly Line Using Convolutional Neural NetworkMiloš Pušica
22- Human-Environment Interaction: Multimodal Neuroergonomic Approach in Immersive Real-world SettingsKevin L Ramirez Chavez
23- Will you score? Motion capture of basketball shooting combined with mobile electroencephalography – on your smartphoneMiguel Contreras-Altamirano


Parallel sponsor workshop 1: ANT Neuro – Auditorium Deniges

Parallel sponsor workshop 2: Biopac – Auditorium – E –


Lunch – cours Leyteire


Parallel sponsor workshop 3: mBrainTrain – Auditorium Deniges

Parallel sponsor workshop 4: Mentalab – Auditorium – E –


Parallel oral session 2a: Workload – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Gianluca Borghini

Is Subjective Focus a Valid Proxy of Attentional Demands?Bojana Bjegojevic
Workload in Visual Search, a work in progressNikki Leeuwis
Meta-Analyzing the Mental Resource: A Neuroergonomic ApproachSalim A Mouloua
Cognitive control and mental workload in multitaskingPhilippe L.P. Rauffet
Passive BCI for interruption management in real settingsGianluca Borghini

Parallel oral session 2b: Mobile and innovative approaches – Auditorium – E –
Chair: Cengiz Acarturk

Step by Step: Navigating Mobile EEG Preprocessing PathwaysNadine S J Jacobsen
The Importance of Environmental Information to Bridge the Gap between Laboratory and Beyond the Lab Measures of EEG based Auditory PerceptionThorge Haupt
Mobile EEG vigilance monitoring during automated drivingAxel H Winneke
The Neuroergonomic Vision of Project NAFASThorsten O. Zander
A modular TD-fNIRS system for many applicationsRyan M Field


Coffee break – Atrium + cours d’honneur


Parallel oral session 3a: Emotion & Perception – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Sébastien Scannella

EEG-signatures of somatosensory stimuli in autistic adultsNektaria Tagalidou
A new paradigm to study inattentional deafness in auditory-only online experimentsClara Suied
Empathetic Resources: Investigating the Influence of Trait Empathy on Emotio-Cognitive VigilanceSalim A Mouloua
A New Paradigm to Elicit Strong Positive EmotionsMeredith L. Sprengel
Brain Activity and Facial Expression based Emotion Assessment in Toddlers with AutismZuhal Ormanoglu

Parallel oral session 3b: Hyperscanning – Auditorium – E –
Chair: Stephen Fairclough

Really Working “Together”: Effects of Physical Presence on Synchrony in Expert and Novices during Cooperative E-GamingAdrian B Curtin
Monitoring engagement in an inaugural lectureAnne-Marie Brouwer
Comparing EEG on interaction roles during a motor taskKyungho Won
Neural and Ocular Correlates of Conceptual Grounding in Verbal Interaction: A Multimodal Hyperscanning ApproachEfecan Yilmaz
Student-Instructor Workload in Simulated and Real FlightEvy van Weelden

From 19:30pm

Gala diner – bassins des lumières

Friday, July 12, 2024


Invited plenary talk: Laura Marchal-Crespo, “Towards a meaningful robot-assisted neurorehabilitation experience” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Nathalie George


Invited plenary talk: Fabien Wagner, “Neuroprosthetic modulation of distributed spinal cord and brain networks for restoring motor and cognitive functions in neurological disorders” – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Nathalie George


Coffee break – Atrium + cours d’honneur


Parallel oral sessions 4a: Driving, Flying & Navigating – Auditorium Deniges
Chair: Carryl Baldwin

Automated Driving Systems and Sustained EngagementZoubeir Tkiouat
EEG-based Markers for Punctual Stress Induced During Manual DrivingYohan YA Attal
Identifying remediation for Passive Driver FatigueStephanie Dabic
Tailoring Takeover Requests in Autonomous Driving to Mental WorkloadTobias Jungbluth
Driver monitoring during mind wanderingFlorence Mazeres
Investigating the Effects of Fatigue, Distraction and Increased Mental Workload on Performance of Ship Engine Room Operators: An fNIRS studySteve WR Symes
Open-Access Multi-modal fNIRS Dataset of Expert Pilots and System Engineers Recorded During High Fidelity Simulated Helicopter System Checks, Navigation and Emergency ResponsesMichael J Middleton
Using fMRI and eye-tracking to investigate the neural correlates of situation awareness during a left-turn crossing while drivingMoritz Held
Emotional Detours: Oscillatory Signatures of Emotion and Cognitive Load during Simulated DrivingKatharina Lingelbach

Parallel oral session 4b: Brain-Computer Interfaces – Auditorium – E –
Chair: Daniel Callan

Visual cues can bias EEG Deep Learning modelsDavid Trocellier
Agency-preserving Action Augmentation: Towards Preemptive Muscle Control using Brain-Computer InterfacesLukas Gehrke
Designing the invisible reactive BCI: the StAR-Burst paradigmFrédéric dehais
One-Class Riemannian EEG Classifier to Detect AnesthesiaValérie Marissens Cueva
An online POMDP-BCI using Burst c-VEPJuan J Torre
Passive code-VEP based Brain Computer Interface to tag attentionPietro Cimarosto
Neurofeedback to improve wakefulness maintenance abilityMarie Pelou
Data-driven detection of memory encoding from EEG in an audiovisual taskAna Matran-Fernandez
Rapid Auditory Probes for EEG Workload MonitoringFelix Schroeder


Closing – Camille Jeunet-Kelway, Fabien Lotte, Hasan Ayaz & Frédéric Dehais – Auditorium Deniges


Lunch boxes

Excursion to Saint-Emilion (optional)

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